Our next regular meetup will be at WIAS on Tuesday, February 18th at 7 pm.
Again, it will be on the 4th floor.
At the entrance, there is a registration book for guests. Enter Dr. Fuhrmann as the person to be visited.
Date/Time : We usually meet every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 19:00. We sometimes have a short presentation on a personal project or a cool package, then followed by a "Hack and Learn" session.
For this "Hack and Learn", everyone of any level is welcome to join and code/fix/create bugs! Everyone is there to help and to answer questions on all topics.
To never forget a meeting add our calendar: Berlin Julia Users calendar
We keep an active list of topics we are interestd to discuss during our meetups. The list is hosted on HackMD.io and can be directly commented on from this page.
Mohrenstr. 39 10117 Berlin As the usual lecture room is beeing redecorated, we currently meet on the 4th floor.
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Date | Event | Topic | Location |
Feb-18 | Meet-up | Pluto: PlutoVista, combining PlutoUI elements inside markdown; Workflows: j-fu marginalia | WIAS |
14.01.2025 | Talk | Chris Rackauckas The Numerical Analysis of Scientific Machine Learning and Differentiable Programming. | WIAS |
17.12.2024 | Meet-up | Juletide ;) meetup | WIAS |
15.10.2024 | Meet-up | Discussions around 1.11 | WIAS |
13.08.2024 | Social | Casual meetup in Gleisdreieck. | Gleisdreieck |
23.07.2024 | JuliaCon | Recap of JuliaCon 2024. We discussed our favorite talks and alternative Julia compilers. | Gleisdreieck |
11.06.2024 | Meet-up | Adrian will be talking about his recent work with Guillaume Dalle on DifferentiationInterface.jl. An interface to various automatic differentation backends in Julia. | c-base |
09.04.2024 | Meet-up | Alessandro will talk about his work on Metatheory.jl | c-base |
12.03.2024 | Meet-up | Glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) describes the deformation of the solid Earth, the perturbation of its gravity field and the shift of its rotational axis due to changes in Earth's continental ice sheets. Jan will give an introduction to the topic and show some results he obtained with a GIA code he has written in Julia. | c-base |
13.02.2024 | Meet-up | Richard Büssow from Industrial Analytics will be presenting: Overview of monitoring services for analyzing industrial equipment Requirements of such solutions. Usage of Julia language in a startup for such a application | WIAS |
09.01.2024 | Meet-up | Discussions around 1.10 | c-base |
12.12.2023 | Meet-up | JuliaCon in Eindhoven recap and Adrian will be presenting ExplainableAI.jl | WIAS |
14.11.2023 | Meet-up | Intro to Makie, Lightning presentations | c-base |
10.10.2023 | Meet-up | Casual meetup | c-base |
12.09.2023 | Meet-up | Adrian talked about Modern Julia Workflows | WIAS |
11.07.2023 | Meet-up | We discussed some different aspects of inference optimization | c-base |
13.06.2023 | Meet-up | strangeli presented a draft version of her PhD defense. The title is "Distributed iterative learning control for prosumer-based microgrid models in a multiplex control framework using sampling-based analysis." where she was using mainly DifferentialEquations.jl with the EnsembleProblem() (Monte Carlo sampling). | c-base |
09.05.2023 | Meet-up | In this new place, we discussed the latest 1.9 release of Julia and what it brings. | c-base |
11.04.2023 | Meet-up | In a small committee, we discussed on how to make the meet-ups bigger and more visible. | WIAS |
14.03.2023 | Meet-up | We had a show and tell session, with some work on a Julia version of Matlab's PDEPE: SkeelBerzins, a presentation on some of Julia differential equation solvere ecosystem, a converter from Jupyter to Pluto JupyterPlutoConverter.jl and an image transformer: DeepFry. | WIAS |
14.02.2023 | Social | We discussed the popularity of Julia and other social aspects of the language. | WIAS |
29.07.2022 | JuliaCon | We met in Gleisdreieck to watch a few of the JuliaCon talks. | Gleisdreieck |
10.05.2022 | Meet-up | Lorenz presented his most recent work on Pollen.jl, a new documentation system. | WIAS |
10.02.2021 | Meet-up | Mathieu Besancon presented some work on JuMP and differentiable optimization | Gather.town |
08.09.2020 | Meet-up | Fons was sick but still gave an online presentation of the recent developments on Pluto.jl | WIAS |
11.02.2020 | Meet-up | We met and had a Package Club, i.e., people talked briefly about their favourite packages, e.g., MLJ, Franklin.jl, DrWatson.jl, Simon's smarthome with Julia, Jürgen's multithreading experiment, PowerDynamics.jl and more | WIAS |
14.01.2020 | Co-working day | We worked separately on our own projects, had some discussions and lunch together. So you were welcome to spend a regular remote working day with us! | TU Berlin |
14.01.2020 | Meet-up | Lia gave a talk about: A multilayer, multi-timescale model approach for economic and frequency control in power grids using Julia | TU Berlin |
10.12.2019 | Meet-up | Jürgen will give an introduction to the solution of partial differential equations using the finite volume method and discuss his package VoronoiFVM.jl | WIAS |
23.11.2019 | Beginner workshop | For everybody who is interested in learning Julia. More information on meetup.com. | co.up community |
05.11.2019 | Meet-up | Chris talked about ideas for common ground between meshes for PDEs and graphics. | WIAS |
10.09.2019 | Meet-up | Simon explained how bacteria find their center and showed how to match experiments with Julia. | NextJournal |
07.08.2019 | Meet-up | Benoît gave a talk about things related to JuMP. Marcelo gave a short presentation of the github org JuliaReach (slides here) | NextJournal |
14.05.2019 | Meet-up | Sebastian showcased the recent progress on a Julia debugger (JuliaInterpreter.jl, Debugger.jl, and Juno integration). | NextJournal |
09.04.2019 | Lean Cafe | Discussions about GUI frameworks and related topics. | NextJournal |
12.03.2019 | Meet-up | Sascha presented HomotopyContinuation.jl and other work related to solving polynomial equation systems. | NextJournal |
12.02.2019 | Meet-up | Simon presented his recent progress on PackageCompiler.jl. | NextJournal |
15.01.2019 | Meet-up | Théo talked about the newest developments of AugmentedGaussianProcesses.jl, which is an efficient framework for Gaussian Processes. He gave an introduction on Gaussian Processes and on how can we use them for most supervised problems (regression, classification) in a very efficient way using data augmentation. Slides of his presentation. | NextJournal |
21.11.2018 | Meet-up | Simon talked about the newest developments of Makie. Maki-e is a high-performance, extendable, and multi-platform plotting package for Julia. Having mastered many technical challenges for the implementation, he now focuses on making it more user-friendly and your input is highly appreciated. | NextJournal |
27.02.2018 | Tuesday coworking | Lorenzo talked about nonsmooth optimization using proximal algorithms in Julia, in particular his work on the packages ProximalOperators.jl and ProximalAlgorithms.jl. The first one implements first order primitives for a variety of functions that can be used to express problems, the second one relies on the first and contains generic implementations of various well-known iterative methods in convex optimization. He also told us of his plans to develop a generic mathematical modelling language for numerical optimisation tasks. | tuesday coworking |
05.12.2017 | Meet-up | David gave an overall introduction to the JuliaGPU project, with a focus on OpenCL. Simon followed this with an introduction to the GPUArrays interface and CLArrays, which he has worked on, as simple ways to offload your matrix arithmetic to the GPU | The Factory Berlin |
07.11.2017 | Meet-up | Dirk presented his work on TransitmapSolver.jl, which is used to draw transit maps automatically. Simon gave us an update on GLVisualize. | The Factory Berlin |
30.06.2017 | Talks | David and Robert gave a workshop on Julia for Data Science. Hector gave a talk on his Shearlets toolbox. | PyData Berlin 2017 |
24.04.2017 | Meet-up | Robert presented an overview of optimisation tools which fall under the JuliaOpt umbrella. Following this he went into detail on JuMP, a package to which he is a contributor. | The Factory Berlin |
27.02.2017 | Meet-up | Hector spoke about using Julia for mathematical applications, using his Julia packages for Wavelets and Shearlets, in a talk entitled Filter-based implementation of Fast Wavelet and Shearlet transform in Julia. We also briefly discussed our plans for hosting an Introduction to Julia workshop aimed at numerically literate users. And we had an informal overview discussion of parallelisation using Julia. | The Factory Berlin |
06.12.2016 | Meet-up | Simon introduced GLVisualize meanwhile Cristina demonstrated Molcajete.jl a program which she wrote for accessing the Meet-up API in order to schedule non-clashing meet-ups. We also had our first disucssion of plans for hosting an introduction to Julia workshop. | The Factory Berlin |
03.10.2016 | Meet-up | Robert presented the Plots.jl package and Vinny introduced us to some machine learning applications and embedding in a jupyter dashboard. | The Factory Berlin |
18.08.2016 | Meet-up | David presented a neuronal network simulator, written entirely in Julia. The focus was on what design choices were enforced/enabled by the use of Julia | The Factory Berlin |
09.06.2016 | Meet-up | Our kick-off meeting, following PyData 2016. Miles Lubin, co-author of JuMP library and a founder of JuliaOpt, was visiting and attended. We discussed a number of topics about the state of Julia, the development behind the scenes, of course some numerical optimisation topics, and the organisation of the meet-up. | St. Oberholz (Rosenthaler Platz) |
21.05.2016 | Talks | David gave a talk on Julia for Python programmers. | PyData Berlin 2016 |
26.03.2015 | Meet-up | Our very first meet-up in Berlin. Viral Shah was in Germany on business and attended. Simon Danisch also made the trip to Berlin, and has subsequently moved here to join us more permanently. | St. Oberholz (Rosenthaler Platz) |
It seems unfortunate to have to make this statement but the computing world is not always know for its inclusivity or diversity. We are commited to welcoming anyone who is interested in joining our meet-up and will do our best to learn to communicate with them in a manner which makes them feel a full member of our community without the barriers of rank, background, gender, colour or other distinction.